Emergency department (ED)

Napier Health does not have an emergency department.

For critical or life-threatening emergencies go to the emergency department at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital or dial 111.

If you are not sure how serious the problem is, call Healthline at any time for advice on 0800 611 116

When to go to ED (internal link)

After hours and urgent medical centres

If your health emergency is not life threatening, but you cannot wait for an appointment with your usual doctor or healthcare provider, go to an after hours or urgent medical centre. They can help you with things like bad cuts, sprains or breaks, minor head injuries, or if you are feeling really sick. You do not need an appointment but might have to wait.

City Medical is a 24/7 urgent care centre based at Napier Health.

City Medical (external link)

Find other after hours and urgent care centres on Healthpoint (external link)

Contact information

For general enquiries call 06 834 1815

Physical address:

  • 76 Wellesley Road
  • Napier South
  • Napier

Postal address:

  • Napier Health
  • PO Box 447
  • Napier 4140

How to get to Napier Health

Public transport

A bus stop is located outside Napier Health.

You can travel on a goBay bus for free if you are attending a Health NZ appointment at Napier Health. Show your appointment letter or text reminder to the driver. Plan your trip on the goBay website.

Plan your trip — goBay (external link)

Health shuttle

The Hato Hone St John Health Shuttle is a community service that transports people to and from medical and health-related appointments.

The service is run by volunteers. A donation is greatly appreciated to help cover costs.

Waka Ora Health Shuttles — Hato Hone St John (external link)

National Travel Assistance

The National Travel Assistance Scheme helps people who need to travel long distances or travel frequently for health appointments.

National Travel Assistance (internal link)

Other services at Napier Health

Other services run at Napier Health include:

  • health resources — including free pamphlets, booklets, posters, DVDs and education kits on a wide range of health topics
  • a hydrotherapy pool with pool hoist — temporarily closed, for more information email NHC.HydrotherapyPool@hbdhb.govt.nz
  • outpatient clinics — call the Clinical Nurse Coordinator and Registered Nurse on 06 878 8109 extension 4123
  • Napier Pharmacy.

Visitor information

Mask wearing remains an important way we can prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses in health and disability care settings. It is still recommended that you wear a face mask when visiting healthcare services. Please respect the healthcare facility or hospital's policy on masks when visiting.

You may be asked to wear a mask in particular situations or locations to help protect those at higher risk.

Feedback on healthcare in Hawke's Bay

How was the care you or your whānau received? We welcome feedback, compliments or complaints to help us get things right.

Freepost feedback form [PDF, 1 MB]

If you have a problem you want sorted straight away, talk with the staff caring for you or ask to speak with a manager in that area.