Audiology — Waikato

Audiology includes hearing and balance. Clinical audiology at Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waikato is a service that assesses hearing and hearing disorders and helps people cope with and improve their auditory and balance problems.

Contact us

To call the audiology department:

Press 1 to speak to someone about bookings and appointments.

Press 2 to speak to someone about hearing aids and repairs.

To email the audiology department:

Where to find us

The audiology department is at:

Reception E, Level 2
Meade Clinical Centre
Waikato Hospital
183 Pembroke Street
Hamilton 3204

The audiology service is also available as outreach clinics at:

  • Taumarunui Hospital
  • Te Kuiti Hospital
  • Thames Hospital
  • Tokoroa Hospital.

Services we provide

Audiology services in Waikato include:

  • diagnostic hearing assessment for tamariki of all ages
  • diagnostic hearing assessment for adults when there is a medical need
  • hearing aid fitting and follow up for tamariki with permanent or significant hearing loss
  • hearing aid fitting and follow up for adults who meet Disability Support Services funding requirements
  • ototoxicity monitoring (monitoring the effects of some medicines on your hearing)
  • hearing assessments for patients referred by the ear, nose and throat (ENT) department, including hearing assessment for tamariki under general anaesthetic
  • assessment and fitting of bone anchored hearing aid implants
  • supporting the universal newborn hearing screening programme and early intervention programme, including diagnostic and early intervention services for pēpi who are referred to us after their newborn hearing screen.

Deaf or hearing loss equipment for adults — Disability Support Services (external link)

Newborn hearing screening: referral to an audiologist — HealthEd (external link)

Universal hearing screening for newborns (internal link)

Referral information

Referrals are prioritised based on the information we receive.

For tamariki

Referrals are accepted from:

  • paediatricians
  • Plunket nurses
  • vision and hearing technicians
  • general practitioners
  • speech-language therapists
  • the child development centre.

For adults

Referrals are accepted from:

  • general practitioners
  • ear, nose and throat specialists when there is a medical need.

Hearing therapists from Your Way | Kia Roha can also refer adults who meet Disability Support Services funding requirements.

Hearing — Your Way | Kia Roha (external link)