Te Kuiti Hospital emergency department (ED)

For critical or life-threatening emergencies go to the emergency department or dial 111

If you are not sure how serious the problem is, call Healthline at any time for advice on 0800 611 116

Te Kuiti Hospital has a 24-hour emergency department. It is accessible via the Emergency entrance on Waimea Road. There is clear signage and a drop off bay.

If you need to enquire about a patient in ED, call 07 878 7333

When to go to ED (internal link)

Contact information

To contact Te Kuiti Hospital:

Postal address:

Te Kuiti Hospital
24 Ailsa Street
Private Bag
Te Kuiti 3941

Visiting hours

Te Kuiti Hospital visiting hours are 11am to 1:30pm and 4pm to 8pm, 7 days a week.

If you need to visit at other times, discuss this with the ward in advance.

How to get to Te Kuiti Hospital

Te Kuiti Hospital
24 Ailsa Street
Te Kuiti 3910

The maternity resource centre supports women during their pregnancy, after baby is born and beyond to access a range of community resources and social services.

Services and information available include:

  • a room equipped for Lead Maternity Carer (LMC) midwives
  • well child service providers
  • health and community workers including cookery classes, visiting lactation consultants, and vision hearing testers
  • smoke free, immunisation, nutrition and parenting education services
  • links with perinatal mental health services.

The maternity resource centre is located at:

20 Carroll Street
Te Kuiti, 3910
20 Carroll Street, Te Kuiti — Google Maps (external link)

Phone: 0800 563 133

Visiting hours

9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.

By bus

The Route 26 Te Kuiti bus connects residents to Te Kuiti Hospital via Hamilton, Ōtorohanga, Kihikihi, Te Awamutu and Ohaupo.

Routes and timetables (external link)

By health shuttle

Community Health Transport offer transport to and from health appointments throughout Waikato. These services are funded by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waikato and are operated by volunteers.

Contact the provider directly to book your spot.

Transport providers — Waikato Community Transport (external link)

Parking information

There is free parking available on site.

Services we provide

Te Kuiti Hospital provides these services:

  • 24/7 emergency department
  • retrieval services (air and road ambulance) to Waikato Hospital for people requiring urgent complex care
  • speciality clinics for outpatients with visiting senior doctors
  • general laboratory and radiology diagnostics
  • fracture clinics
  • repatriation of rural patients from Waikato Hospital to a hospital closer to their own community for further care before discharge
  • on-site GP practice
  • on-site physiotherapy gym.

How was the care you or your whānau received at our healthcare providers in Waikato? We welcome feedback, compliments or complaints to help us get things right.

Phone: 07 834 3612
Email: WKFeedback@tewhatuora.govt.nz

Waikato feedback form (internal link)

If you have a problem you want sorted straight away, talk with the staff caring for you or ask to speak with a manager in that area.