Dermatology — Waikato
Dermatology is the medical speciality for diseases of the skin, hair and nails. Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waikato provide services at Waikato Hospital and Te Kuiti Hospital.
Contact us
For all Waikato Hospital departments:
- phone: 07 839 8899
Where to find us
The dermatology department is at:
Reception B, Level 1
Meade Clinical Centre
Waikato Hospital
183 Pembroke Stree
tHamilton 3204
Outreach clinics are also held at Te Kuiti Hospital every 2 months.
Services we provide
Services provided by the Waikato Hospital dermatology department include:
- daily outpatient clinics for adult patients
- twice-weekly clinics for tamariki
- once-weekly clinics for vulval conditions
- cutaneous oncology surgical service
- comprehensive laser service.
Nurse-led services include:
- phototherapy
- eczema clinic
- systemic medicines follow-up clinic
- patch testing
- sun damage treatment
- wound care.
University students interested in a placement in the dermatology department should contact the Waikato clinical campus.
Referral information
If you have a skin problem, see your healthcare provider for assessment and possible referral.