Ahikāroa – Community Housing Support Service
Ahikāroa – Community Housing Support Service
The Ahikāroa Service provides:
- An assessment of housing needs.
- Support to access, transition into and sustain independent housing options such as social housing or private rental options across the Waikato DHB region.
- Co-ordination of entry into residential recovery services and support to transition out into more independent housing options.
What is a residential recovery service?
A planned and time-limited residential support service aimed at promoting well-being and recovery.
Residential recovery services provide different levels of staffing and support. For example, some have staff onsite during the day whereas others may have staff onsite 24 hours a day.
There are residential recovery service options across the Waikato region, including Kaupapa Māori services.
Tangata whaiora living in residential recovery services set goals for their recovery and actively work towards achieving these goals.
These goals and support needs are reviewed in conjunction with the tangata whaiora and their key supports.
Ahikāroa provides support to transition into more independent housing or access different levels of residential support, if required.
Who can access the Ahikāroa service?
The tangata whaiora must be 18 years or older and receiving clinical services from Waikato DHB Mental Health & Addictions Service or Hauora Waikato Maori Mental Health Services
Referrals to the service are made by the tangata whaiora keyworker. Please contact your mental health keyworker for more information.
Kākāriki House
293 Grey Street, Hamilton