Intellectual Disability Dual Disorder Service (IDDS)
Intellectual Disability Dual Disorder Service (IDDS)
The Intellectual Disability Dual Disorder Service is a free, community based, specialist psychiatric outpatient service for tangata whaiora with a co-existing intellectual disability and mental health issues, who are 18 years of age or older. It aims to facilitate the optimal care of tangata whaiora with an intellectual disability, serious mental illness/suspected psychiatric disorder and an associated level of complexity which requires input from a specialist mental health service.
The service is located in Hamilton and is therefore unable to actively key work people based outside the city and immediate surrounds.
It may be possible for the service to provide one-off consultations for other areas with the Waikato DHB if the tangata whaiora is able to travel to a Hamilton clinic.
Who can refer to us?
As we are a specialist service, tangata whaiora must be referred to us by a primary clinician. We receive our referrals from GPs, medical specialists and other community mental health teams. It is essential that the referrals are in writing. We expect the tangata whaiora’s GP to be informed and to remain involved as the primary medical caregiver.
What information do we require?
We need to know the tangata whaiora name, date of birth, NHI number, address, telephone number, cultural identity, level of intellectual disability and contact details of parents/whaanau and/or caregivers. In addition, a detailed outline of the specific mental health concerns that you have leading to the referral. Any accompanying information would be helpful such as
- mental health history
- medical history – medical conditions and relevant investigations
- medication – current and historical
Referrals that are accepted will have an identified co-existing intellectual disability (full scale IQ of 70 or less, which has been assessed prior to the age of 18) and mental health issue rather than a primary social, relationship or behavioural problem.
Triage questions for GP [PDF, 103 KB]
Tangata whaiora referred to the service who do not meet the entry criteria will be offered assistance to access appropriate alternative services.
We cannot accept tangata whaiorawith problems related solely to:
- Intellectual disability
- Learning difficulties
- Criminal activities, antisocial behaviours, conduct disorders
- Accommodation issues.
The following services are not provided by us:
- Eligibility/IQ testing
- Counselling services
- Needs assessment for funding of services
- Behaviour management
- Provision of accommodation or other support services.