Before their operation
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Preparing for Surgery
In order to provide the best care for your child, your anaesthetist requires some information. When surgery is booked you will be asked to complete a Health Questionnaire on behalf of your child; the information provided will determine whether your child needs to be assessed prior to the day of surgery. They may be seen in clinic or assessed by a remote review over the phone or using telehealth.
Occasionally, your anaesthetist will arrange tests or treatment your child requires before an operation. Children on certain medications will need special medication instructions for the day of surgery. These will be written down for you. Health supplements or herbal remedies which are non-prescribed can interfere with conventional drugs, anaesthetics and blood clotting - do not give these to your child for two weeks before surgery, as a general rule of thumb.
Talking to your child about having surgery
Children and young adults look to their parents and caregivers for support when they are having a procedure. Knowing how to help your child can be difficult. This website here has resources on how to talk to your child about their surgery and helpful videos for them to watch.
Unwell before surgery
If your child becomes unwell in the weeks leading up to the surgery, please call the number in your surgery booking letter. In general, we would like children to be clear of an upper respiratory infection (cold or flu) for three weeks, prior to surgery. Some children have infections very frequently in which case we would have to compromise on this timeframe. Please call us for advice.